

1175 Uppsatser om Hard tensions - Sida 1 av 79

Vilka spänningar kan uppstå mellan en yngre teamledare och äldre medarbetare och kan de hänföras till generations-/åldersskillnader? Hur påverkar dessa teamdynamiken?

Earlier research has shown that generational differences between younger-supervisors and older-workers may cause tensions that lead to team ineffectiveness. There is however still a lack of research in this area. This thesis presents possible tensions that might occur between a younger supervisor and an older worker due to their age and generational affiliation, and how these tensions affect the team dynamics. The empirical data collection was limited to the boundaries of the dental care industry where these generational/age differences between younger supervisor and older worker are common. The thesis looks at the tensions from a qualitative perspective and data was collected in the form of in-depth interviews with selected dentists and nurses.

Från pre-human till post-human : Embryots reproduktiva status i skärningspunkten mellan stat och medicin

The aim of the thesis is twofold: the first aim is to identify a number of reproductive logics that are used to construct Swedish regulation of embryo donation for reproductive use as either ethical or unethical in the governmental ? and medical discussions ? and to examine how these logics are interconnected with notions of gender and parenthood. The second aim is to identify a number of tensions that arise in the application of the governmental ethical logic on the embryo and embryo donation and discuss how these tensions can be solved with a feminist material approach. I argue that the terminology used to distinguish between genetic, biological, social and legal parenthood in my material is insufficient for understanding the value of the embryo outside its pre-human status. I therefore argue for an embryonic feminist bioethics that is attentive to the embryos post-human status, and for a reformulation of the parenthood terminology in line with what I call ?reproductive ties?..

Bilder av Ryssland: Annorlundahet och misstro i samtida svensk Rysslandsdiskurs

This thesis analyzes contemporary Swedish discourse on Russia, i.e. the ways Russia and Russians are perceived in Sweden today. After a summary of historical Western and Swedish perceptions of Russia, and a discussion about the treatment of these tensions within modern research, contemporary Swedish discourse is reconstructed based upon analytical articles in three major newspapers during the period 1992-2007. It is argued that the prevailing image of Russia contains the reproduction of old stereotypes and prejudices. The five major representations of Russia in contemporary Swedish discourse are: non-Western, unreliable, authoritarian, threatening and eternal, with the last one being a meta-representation functioning both as a representation of its own and a mechanism for the reification of the others.

`Hard eller soft power´ - när det gäller att främja demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter?

The thesis investigates how two of the world?s most powerful international actors, the US and the EU want to promote democracy and human rights. The aim is to compare how the US and the EU work in order to support a democratic development in the world. In order to fulfill the purpose of the thesis a qualitative text analysis was used. Since the aim is to compare the US and the EU I believe this method is beneficial.

Musik och Livsstil : En studie om ungdomar och hårdrock

In the following study I probe the social world of hard-rock music. By conducting interviews with four young male enthusiasts of this music I try to develop a general picture of this social world, as well as of the basic elements on which this particular subculture is constructed. The identity of a hard-rocker is based upon a number of factors beyond just a preference for that music. Throughout the interviews I encountered many implicit norms that one must followed in order to be able to see oneself as a true hard-rocker. I also found that from the respondents? perspective, the mainstream culture has, throughout the history of metal music, used various ways to counter the spreading of this genre.

"Kan en svart författare skriva om en kille som heter Gunnar?" : Framställningen av hiphop i svenska medier

The essay is dealing with the different tensions in hiphop created when appearing in Swedish media. With the teoretical aspect of "the Other" as a tool, the authors of the essay has tried to find out how the "hiphopper" is pictured in swedish written media within the timeframe of 19??-??. We are also discussin the different aspects and importance of autenticity, etnitcity and geografy in regards to the "hiphoper" as "the Other"..

Om den ofeministiska jämställdheten och den ojämställda feminismen: en diskursteoretisk analys av en feminismskritisk jämställdhetsrörelse verksam på nätet

This essay analyses text written by a gender equality movement critical of feminism. Themovement is active on the Internet and through this essay I would like to show the tensions in contemporary political debates on gender equality and feminism. 350 blogposts have been deconstructed through discourse theoretical method. In the analyses I have shown the discursive struggle that is going on within the movement in giving meaning to concepts as knowledge, society, gender, politics, feminism and gender equality. The movement is using the technical potential in blogs and common Internet forums tocreate a common political we.

Tillfällen då hemodialyspatienter anser det vara svårast att undvika vätskeintag : En empirisk studie

The aim of this study was to investigate which situations haemodialysis patients consider as the hardest for avoiding fluid intake. The data collection was performed with a questionnaire which was distributed to haemodialysis patients who fulfilled the inclusioncriteria. Of 158 haemodialysis patients 103 haemodialysis patients chose to participate in the study. The participants were chosen from different dialysis centres (n=12) in north and south of sweden, excluding the middle of Sweden. The questionnaire that was given out consisted of 32 situations, the response format included nine alternatives, that included different kind of difficultes.

Utvärdering av lösningar för hårddiskkryptering

Information stored on unprotected computers that gets lost or stolen, and falls intothe wrong hands, can easily be accessed by moving the hard disk to a controlledcomputer, or by booting the computer from a removable medium, in order to getaround the operating system login. This is something that largely affects companieswhere customer information, trade secrets and other sensitive information can becompromised. A classic solution to the problem is encryption of individual files, but ithas some drawbacks as it puts a great responsibility on the users and unencryptedinformation can be left by mistake. A better solution to the problem is transparentencryption of the entire hard disk, i.e. that encryption and decryption of informationis performed automatically and without the user being affected.

Att stärka det svenska samhället vid svåra påfrestningar i fred : en uppgift för dagens Försvarsmakt?

Försvarsmakten har sedan sekelskiftet gått ifrån att vara ett invasionsförsvar till att bli ett insatsförsvar. Under denna omvandling har Försvarsmakten blivit allt mindre och fått en mer internationell inriktning. Förband har lagts ned, personal sagts upp och materiel skrotats. Författaren är intresserad av att se hur detta har påverkat Försvarsmakten som en samhällsresurs.Problemet som ställs i uppsatsen är huruvida regeringen har anpassat Försvarsmaktens uppgift att stärka det svenska samhället vid svåra påfrestningar i fred, mot bakgrund av den omvandling som skett. Syftet med denna uppsats är sålunda att undersöka och jämföra om uppgiften att stärka det svenska samhället vid svåra påfrestningar i fred har förändrats, utvecklats eller anpassats till det nya insatsförsvaret som Sverige har idag.Som metod används en komparativ och kvalitativ textanalys av utvalda propositioner, departementsserier och regleringsbrev.

"Allt det där ska samsas i ett och samma yrke": en studie om folkbibliotekariers yrkesidentiteter

This Master?s thesis concerns the public librarian?s professional identity. The complexity of the mandates of the public librarian, and the public library, raises questions on how librarians understand their professional identities. The empirical material consists of qualitative in-depth interviews with librarians. Two theoretical approaches are used in the analysis of the material with a focus on the public librarians? knowledge and professional role.

När hard discount-butiken kom till byn : En studie av hur det gått för de allivsbutiker som fått Lidl eller Netto som granne

Forskningsfråga: Hur påverkas allivsbutikerna av att få Lidl eller Netto som granne och vilken betydelse har allivsbutikernas val av åtgärder för att differentiera sig för hur väl de lyckas konkurrera med hard discount-butiken? Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa förståelse för hur traditionella allivsbutiker påverkas av att en aktör med utpräglad lågprisprofil (hard discount) etablerar sig i närheten. Vidare är syftet att beskriva hur allivsbutikerna, genom olika åtgärder, arbetar för att differentiera sig från hard discount-butikerna och hur val av åtgärder inverkar på hur väl allivsbutikerna lyckas i konkurrensen med den nya aktören. Metod: Vi har, genom tio besöksintervjuer och tjugo telefonintervjuer med handlare och butikschefer i allivsbutiker, samlat in kvalitativ och kvantitativ data om hur dessa butiker påverkats av att få Lidl eller Netto i sin närhet och vilka strategier de använt för att möta den nya konkurrenten. De teorier som används vid analysen behandlar konkurrensstrategier och hur allivsbutiker påverkas av lågpristrenden i allmänhet och hard discount i synnerhet.

Validation of Steins/Arla Foods method for lactate fermenting clostridia in milk

One of the most serious and economically important defects caused by clostridia in milk products is the late blowing of semi-hard cheeses.Clostridia occur naturally in soil and can contaminate milk through crops contaminated by dung and soil followed by a less successful silage process, that give them opportunity to grow unaerobically. When anaerobic conditions occur, such as storage of semi-hard cheese, they ferment lactic acid to butyric acid and the gases CO2 and H2.At the fusion of Arla and MD Foods, a series of changes were conducted on the MPN method for lactic acid fermentation for clostridia in milk. These changes resulted in an increased accuracy due to an increased number of test tubes and the change of media from MRCM to BBB, Bryant & Burkey Broth, that was thought to be more selective for Cl. tyrobutyricum, the organism mostly found in hard cheese. When the number of dairy farmers that were given quality reduction fines increased, the new method was suspected and a validation was conducted.The validation included inoculation of different clostridia and bacillus strains into BBB substrate and enzymatic testing of positive samples with Rapid ID 32A.

Kunden i centrum : att nyttja potentialen i den interna förmedlingen av kunder

LRF Konsult is a big consulting-firm with offices located all over Sweden. The corporation offers a wide range of services and a lot of the customers are small businesses active within the green sector. An analysis of the corporation made in 2006 showed that one of LRF Konsults weaknesses is that many customers are unaware of the wide range of services that LRF Konsult offers. The internal communication is believed to play a big role in marketing these services. Therefor, the objective of this thesis has been to investigate why the transfer of customers between accounting consultants and business advisors is not greater and how this can be improved.

Värdeskapande i nätverk

The purpose of this thesis is to examine value creation in networks. Based on a case study of Livebookings Network, an online booking service. This thesis has an explorative nature. As a theoretical framework we use theories on value and network dynamics. By combining these theories we develop an operationalized framework that we use to analyze our empirical findings.

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